Nayi Soch: Mechanical Seva Sangh – Clinton Mallick

November, 2022 |

Ultrasound – A Game Changer

It is very fortunate for me to have received the opportunity to undergo Training in Ultrasound (Acoustic Emissions) from the World’s Favorite Ultrasound Company, SDT Ultrasound Solutions, by their most popular trainer, Mr. Bob Lees.

All things in nature emit energies in the ultrasonic range. The Intensity increases whenever there are abnormalities that change and disrupts its regular pattern. Detecting abnormalities become very easy as all the audible sounds can be filtered out, and the defective machinery component/ abnormal zone is easily highlighted.

Ultrasound devices are very easy to use and quite efficient in Pin Pointing defects. The Fault detection process becomes very short and easy, thus, saving time per case and ensuring feasibility to be used not only by trained Engineers but by everyone on the shop floor.

The Abnormalities detected in the Ultrasonic region undergo signal processing through a process known as Heterodyning, after which the sounds can be heard by inspectors in their Headphones.

Ultrasound detection instruments would be a game changer in YPL’s efforts to increase the Reliability of the Plant through the concept of Operator Driven Reliability in daily activities like Cleaning, Lubrication, Tightening, and Inspection (C.L.T.I.) wherein the Operator’s senses can be enhanced using simple, robust, cheap, and handy Ultrasonic checkers. Thus, also ensuring the safety of the inspectors at the same time as these are all non-destructive techniques.

There are eight pillars or eight domains in which Ultrasound detection techniques can be used – Mechanical, Leaks, Lubrication, Electrical, Valves, Steam Traps, Hydraulics, and Tightness Testing of Vessels.

Lube Consumption losses, Steam Consumption losses, Compressed Air Consumption losses, and Vacuum Consumption losses are the four main underrated losses in any industry that can be optimised using this technology. Quite often excess Lubricant in Rotating Equipment led to heating issues and dirty shop floors which degrade both the Equipment and is a significant hurdle in maintaining ‘6S’ in the Plant area.

Compressed Air Leaks and Vacuum leaks are only detected by physical senses when the leak contributes to such an amount that the cost of runnability/ production has increased quite significantly (decreased OEE) and sometimes to the level that the standby equipment also needs to be operated to compensate for the losses.

Thus, we should look forward to incorporating this technology into our company.

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