“We progress if you progress”

- Ved Krishna

January, 2023 |

Dear Team,

Happy New Year!

If someone asks me which is my favourite festival, my answer is the arrival of the New Year. The reason for this is that the New Year brings new energy.

We are all present on earth for some time, and we have to make full use of this opportunity. The first day of the year is a time of reckoning for me. I reflect once again on how close I have come to my goal and what I want to focus on in the New Year. This is not limited to work, I also describe my relationships, spirituality, health, interests, and social service. With this assessment, the awareness of one’s life increases, and sympathy swells.

I hope that you too will live your given time to the fullest and will be able to attain bliss through service.

The month of December passed with you and progress was felt everywhere. The Ayodhya plant crossed new milestones of profit and gave further shape to the Jagriti project. Gurunath Reddy ji joined us and with his arrival, the seriousness of our project started.

The Delhi Chuk team is in the process of building the right supply chain and I hope results start pouring in soon.

In Bangalore, Dr. Ramji Subramanian started taking command of the research team and I am sure that with his arrival, we will be able to provide more progress by launching new inventions in the market.

We thought more about the functions of GCA, and Vignesh ji presented some new ways. Hopefully next month we will be able to save the right direction and make progress.

On the other hand, progress is going toward America and new investments will start soon.

Over the past few months, I have been realizing that we are not working together in the same direction and that as we form different parts of Pakka, we are also getting divided. It is harmful to all of us. My effort is that we all walk together and make full use of each other’s skills. With this in mind, we are further consolidating the core team and generalizing many elements such as finance, team excellence, brand, etc. I hope that this step will awaken a commonality.

In the coming year, we have to move with full energy and have faith in the universe that our path will be presented to us.

The progress of our organization lies in the progress of all of you.

With best wishes,



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