On December 14, 2022, Gautam Ghosh, Prashant Kumar Sinha, Anoop Kumar Sharma, Mohd. Amin and Deepak Singh from Yash Pakka Limited got a chance to attend the Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency program on the occasion of Energy Conservation Award. Apart from pulp and paper, many people from other sectors like power, railway, fertilizer, and cement also participated in this program of UPNEDA.
UPNEDA honored Yash Pakka Limited in Pulp and Paper Sector with Uttar Pradesh State Energy Conservation Award – 2022 for achieving top position in the field of energy conservation. We have done 8 major projects for energy conservation in 2021-22, which saves a total of 5.16 lakh units annually. From this program, information was received about some new techniques for energy conservation, such as using ceiling fans with brushless direct current motors in place of normal ceiling fans, using solar pipes for lighting in storage and godown areas, and plant Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for process optimization.