“I love seeing the changes and magic that can happen”     

June, 2023 |

Name: Margaret Lydecker

Birthdate: 13 February

Namaste Team! I joined Pakka in April 2023 as the Brand and Impact lead.  My passion is helping eco-minded brands tell their story in a compelling (and engaging) way as to inspire and motivate others. I have worked in marketing and branding for eco-minded companies my entire career and I love seeing the changes and magic that can happen.  Clear communication, openness and teamwork is key to change and that is at the core of what excites me about Pakka.

As a 40-year-old company, Pakka has built a strong foundation of leadership, values and principals which is clear in the people working here, the company ethos, the devotion to making a difference and the long history of positive renewal within the community.  I’m super excited to be part of this team and help to unify the brand more closely together. On my first day I was told “you are part of our Pakka family now” and I believe I am.

I grew up in Connecticut on the east coast of the US.  Sadly, the US is one of the most wasteful countries despite our high literacy rate and travel experience.  I want to change that and make people more aware of the possibilities to change.  That’s what excites me about Pakka’s compostable flexible packaging. We have a team dedicated to making real change in the environment and there is a huge need.  I hope to reach as many people as possible and make a difference in the world.

Grateful to be part of the Pakka family!

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