Nayi Soch: Uday Bhan Yadav – Yojana Seva Sangh

October, 2023 |

Grid Supply

Grid projects provides a comprehensive construction service from concept to completion including feasibility, cost planning, procurement, and staged planning, build ability and post building maintenance programmes.

An electric grid is a network of synchronized power providers and consumers that are connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers. When most people talk about the power “grid,” they’re referring to the transmission system for electricity.

The advantage of setting up a grid project is that if the supply of our turbine generator-1 (TG-1) and TG-2 goes away, we can get electricity for the grid supply and start our PP-1 and PP-2. When the grid supply will be synchronized with our plant, the load bearing capacity of our plant will be divided, because at this time the load requirement of our plant is more and we are not able to supply that much power by combining both the power plants. Due to which some load in the plant has to be reduced as per requirement. Due to which our production loss occurs.

Currently, to meet the additional load, we had to run Diesel Generator (DG) which has a higher running cost. We will get rid of this problem when the grid supply gets synced.

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