Turning the Page: Closing a Chapter on 24 Years of Devotion and Growth

- Prabhu Dayal Yadav (FSS)

March, 2024 |

Over the past 24 years, I have served as Staff Transportation Head within our organization. From the era under the leadership of KK Sir to the present day, I have closely observed the company’s remarkable journey.

Starting from the beginnings of a single paper machine, our organization has grown exponentially, culminating in the establishment of a comprehensive facility in Ayodhya. Throughout this transformative period, I have seen the company’s expansion and development.

The company’s growth and resilience over the years serve as a testament to its enduring legacy, and I remain confident in its continued success in the future. The companionship and supportiveness demonstrated by everyone here have been truly remarkable. I am optimistic that the company will continue to prosper, and that each individual within it will experience continuous personal and professional growth. I express my heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for the unwavering support extended throughout this 24-year journey within the organization.

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