Reflecting on a Month of Engagement and Growth

April, 2024 |

The final month of the fiscal year was jam-packed with activities, travels, connections, networking, and learning. We were in Puri from March 4–7 for AOP. Successes, shortcomings, objectives, and tactics were all discussed. This platform allows us to engage with all of the Pakka leaders and have open discussions about plans and initiatives. We attended AAHAR, The International Food and Hospitality Fair, in New Delhi from March 7–11, right after AOP.

CHUK displays the full line of products at Aahar, and interacting with the distributors and visitors was a delight. We also had the opportunity to visit other exhibitor’s booths, and it was interesting to learn about the needs of the market as well as our own shortcomings and areas for growth.

The 13th and 14th of March marked the arrival of Steven Davies and Krishnan Naganathan in our Bangalore office.  We had a great discussion with each of them and discovered why close collaboration between the marketing and innovation teams is essential. More than just science and technology, it was a worthwhile learning experience for all of us. In the upcoming year, we want to see more of these kinds of interactions as well as further advancements from the innovation.

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