Pakka Club Organised a Delightful Get-together in Ayodhya

April, 2024 |

On the 29th of March, the Pakka Club organised a delightful get-together for Pakka team members in Ayodhya. The event began with a screening of the captivating movie “Crew,” providing an opportunity for everyone to unwind and enjoy quality entertainment together. Following the movie screening, the atmosphere was filled with laughter, and lively discussions as team members gathered for a delicious dinner at Krinosco.

The venue offered a perfect setting for socializing and bonding over lavish food, creating memorable moments that strengthened the bond within the team. The get-together served not only as a platform for relaxation and enjoyment but also as a testament to the Pakka Club’s commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive work culture. It was an evening filled with laughter, good food, and cherished memories, leaving everyone eagerly anticipating future gatherings.

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