Nayi Soch- Dr. Sundar N. (NSS)

August, 2024 |

Scope and Opportunities in Paper-Based Sustainable Packaging

In recent years, the need for eco-friendly packaging solutions has been tremendously increasing because of people’s exploration of environmental challenges and their movement towards sustainability. A paper-based packaging solution that is recyclable, renewable, compostable, and biodegradable has thus become a frontrunner to replace plastics. Paper, fibre, and biomaterials and their sustainable related research and development have extraordinary potential to create new products and new business areas.

Market opportunities-

The paper and sustainable packaging market will exponentially increase in the upcoming years globally due to the following reasons: regulations over plastics, corporate social responsibilities, and awareness creation among consumers. A real-time example is Pakka’s Good Garbage Podcast.

Challenges in R&D for Paper-Based Sustainable Packaging-

Paper-based sustainable packaging has many challenges, namely the non-availability of new materials, the extremely high the extremely high cost of sustainable materials and technology, the complexity of sourcing and supply chain management, and the performance of the new sustainable material compared to the traditional material, which reflects customer expectations.

Areas of focus in R&D-

The primary focus will be on novel materials, which are extremely important and have the necessary barrier characteristics against moisture, oil, water, and oxygen in addition to being biodegradable. In addition to material innovation, fibre innovation will be crucial since it must be strengthened and more durable to function in packaging applications. To address these problems and exploit opportunities to enhance sustainability and business results, research and development (R&D) in sustainable packaging is vital. Collaboration between the government, industry, and academia can be extremely helpful in overcoming these obstacles and developing the sector.

Eco-friendly, sustainable food packaging, personal care packaging, e-commerce and retail packaging, and beverage packaging products are the key segments. Switching to paper-based packaging provides organisations with an advantage in the market in addition to benefiting the environment.




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