Reflections on 32 Years at Pakka

Awdhesh Kumar Upadhyay (MSS)

September, 2024 |

Joining Pakka in 1992 was a special opportunity for me, and the journey since then has been truly incredible. As the Mechanical Head PM1, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing and contributing to the growth and changes at every step of this organization.

Over the years, I’ve seen our team grow and evolve. Today, we have an incredibly skilled and knowledgeable team of professionals who excel in fulfilling their responsibilities. Their expertise and dedication are truly commendable and have elevated our work standards to new heights.

Looking ahead, I am confident that Pakka will continue to reach even greater heights. The dedication and talent of our current team assure me that our organization will keep achieving new milestones and successes in the future.

Being a part of this journey is a source of pride for me, and I eagerly look forward to witnessing the new developments that lie ahead.

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