Site icon Pakka Maitri

28 Years of Memories at Pakka

I joined this company in 1996, and now, after spending 28 long years here, I find myself ready to embrace a new chapter. Over these years, I have grown not just as a professional but as a person. At this stage in my life, I wish to stay at home and spend more time with my family.

The time I’ve spent in this company will always hold a special place in my heart. The love and support I received here have been truly remarkable. My colleagues have always felt like family, standing by me every step of the way. The moments shared and the experiences we’ve had together are among the most memorable in my life. The atmosphere at Pakka is one where everyone treats each other with affection and respect. It’s this warmth and love that kept me motivated to work here for 28 years.

A heartfelt thank you to the entire Pakka family. Without your love, support, and care, this journey wouldn’t have been possible. I will always be grateful to you and feel proud to have been a part of this family.

As I look back in the future, these 28 years at Pakka will be some of the most special and significant years of my life. I wish you all the very best and hope that Pakka’s future is even brighter.

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