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50th Episode of Good Garbage Podcast!

We have hit another milestone at Good Garbage, as we had our 50th episode! Ved welcomed the CEO of Pulpac Linus Larrson Green to the podcast, as we celebrated our 50th guest. This is a huge accomplishment for the show, as we’ve been all about learning from the amazing experts that we have on the show. To say that we’ve had 50 of them is astounding, and makes us reflect as we look back at everyone who we’ve had on. We’re looking forward to the next 50 – join us on our way to 100!

We started that journey on a high note, as we welcomed Brad Rodgers, the VP of Technology at Danimer as our 51st guest. Brad is well experienced in the sustainable packaging industry, and had lots to share when it came to stories from working at Pepsico, the beginnings of Danimer, or where the industry has gone since he started in it. He compared sustainable packaging to a crayon box – where they only used to color with one crayon, now they use the whole box to make sustainable packaging. This episode is filled with learning – check it out wherever you listen to podcast about leaving the planet cleaner.

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