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A Journey Towards Ongoing Success and Advancement

Dear Team,

After returning from India in late October, I had initially not planned to come back during Diwali. However, some of you, along with my daughter Vidya, expressed your wish for me to reconsider and join you. Ultimately, I chose to make the 30-35 hour journey for just 4 days, and I can confidently say it was one of the finest decisions I made this year.

I came to understand the significance of Diwali deeply. Each festival carries its lessons, and Diwali, for me, symbolizes a celebration of gratitude. It’s a time to express thanks to the souls intertwined with our lives in various ways. My visit to India reinforced this understanding. I cherished moments with my mother and my daughter Vidya. I had the privilege of visiting some of your homes, enjoying bursting crackers with many of you and participating in the puja ceremonies. During Diwali, I took the opportunity to meet many partners and express gratitude, either in person or through phone calls. This occasion allowed me to connect with several officials in Ayodhya and Lucknow, as well as converse with many colleagues. As this festival concluded, my heart felt immensely fulfilled.

Following my time in India, I had the opportunity to explore some cutting-edge technology in Europe. I spent valuable time at Kiefel, a molded fiber company, learning about their machinery, and gleaned extensive knowledge from UMV, a leading coating company, potentially paving the way for future collaborations. Additionally, I delivered a speech to the global sugar community, sharing insights into my work and aspirations, and engaged in discussions about future pathways with numerous sugar-producing industries worldwide.

Throughout this month, extensive discussions centered around investments in India and Guatemala led to the formulation of a structured framework. Our paramount goal is to secure adequate funding, enabling us to implement cutting-edge technology. I am wholeheartedly dedicated to steering our efforts in this direction, aiming to guarantee that every product we manufacture attains the highest standards for our customers worldwide.

Progress is underway in establishing a team and business presence in America, with efforts focused on recruiting suitable partners by year-end. Engineering initiatives are gaining momentum, led by our esteemed mentor, Shri Gandikota Ji. The aim is to conclude the fundamental engineering contract within this month.

Preparations for Paperex are in full swing, geared towards fostering deeper connections with our customers and advancing new projects.

My heartfelt congratulations to all for the outstanding contributions in October, and here’s to ongoing success and advancement.

With best wishes,



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