Answer to be a domain knowledge expert of this month.

May, 2024 |
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Q1. What is the target turnover of Pakka India Business for 2024-25? (2024-25 के लिए पैका इंडिया बिजनेस का लक्ष्य टर्नओवर क्या है?)
Q2. What is the target PBT of Pakka India Business for 2024-25? (2024-25 के लिए पैका इंडिया बिजनेस का लक्ष्य पीबीटी क्या है?)

Last Month’s Winners:

1) Deepali Srivastava (MVS)
2) Sheshnath Pandey (FSS)
3) Jitendra Dixit (VSS)
4) Bhola Nath (ISS)
5) Veerendra Kumar (SSS)
6) R P Singh (PRVS)
7) Subodh Trivedi (YSS)
8) Vipin Ramkesh Varma (YSS)
9) Digvijay Singh (YSS)
10) Neeru Joshi (FSS)
11) Zuby Ahmed (MVS)
12) Sandeep Agarwal (VSS)
13) Ashutosh Sharma (MVS)
14) Vandana Rani (R&D)
15) Shubham Pandey (FSS)
16) Hritik Kumar (RVS)
17) Shailendra Pratap Singh (SVS)
18) Rohit Mishra (SSS)
19) Naveen Kumar Srivastava (R&D)
20) Heena Kumari (DVS)
21) Ishaan Bhalla (KVS)
22) Shashi Mishra (VSS)
23) Ranveer Singh (MSS)
24) Vivek Kumar Mishra (Amrit Arjan)
25) Upesh Dev (YSS)
26) Kanchan (FSS)
27) Rajkumar Vishwakarma (KFS)
28) Syed Amir Abbas (MSS)
29) Alok Mishra (MSS)
30) Arvind Kumar Pandey (ESS)
31) Vinod Kumar Srivastava (R&D)
32) Arvind Kumar (SSS)
33) Monika Choudhary (SSS)
34) Anand Kumar (YSS)
35) Meenu Joshi (R&D)
36) Sandeep Agarwal (VSS)

Team members will be rewarded for answering these questions correctly for 3 consecutive months. Hope you all will continue to participate with great enthusiasm.

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