Answer to be a domain knowledge expert of this month.

November, 2023 |
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Q1. What is the full form of PSP? (PSP का फुल फॉर्म क्या है?)
Q2. Where are the tasks assigned to individuals? (टीम के सदस्यों को टास्क कहा दिए जाते है?)
Q3. Which kappa pulp is used to make kraft and brown paper? (क्राफ्ट और ब्राउन पेपर बनाने के लिए किस कप्पा के पल्प का उपयोग किया जाता है?)

Last Month’s Winners:
1. Shruti Chawla (MVS)
2. Pooja Khanna (MVS)
3. Deepali Srivastava (MVS)
4. Pranay Pasricha (CSS)

Team members will be rewarded for giving correct answers every three months. Hope, you will continue to participate in this quiz with full enthusiasm as you can win prize.

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