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Answer to be a domain knowledge expert of this month.

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Last Month’s Winners:

1. Arvind Kumar Pandey (ESS)
2. Udaybhan Yadav (YSS)
3. Ranveer Singh (MSS)
4. Vinod Kumar Srivastava (R&D)
5. Ravindra Pratap Singh (PRVS)
6. Sheshnath Pandey (FSS)
7. Syed Amir Abbas (MSS)
8. Digvijay Singh (YSS)
9. Neelam Kumari (KVS)
10. Ankit Singh (MVS)
11. Pooja Khanna (MVS)

Team members will be rewarded for giving correct answers every three months. Hope, you will continue to participate in this quiz with full enthusiasm as you can win prize.

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