Bringing Regenerative Packaging to the Table

- Pranay Pasricha, Communications Seva Sangh

November, 2023 |

I recently had the opportunity to represent Pakka as a speaker at an important workshop focused on addressing the critical issue of plastic pollution. The “Workshop on Addressing Plastic Pollution” was organized by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of the Government of India, in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi.

The workshop brought together key stakeholders – government representatives, industry experts, municipal authorities and NGOs – to discuss policy frameworks, alternatives to single-use plastics, extended producer responsibility, and sustainable production and consumption of plastics. As a manufacturer of eco-friendly food packaging, Pakka was invited to share our experience in developing plastic-free, regenerative solutions.

In my presentation during the first session on “Alternatives to banned single-use plastic items”, I highlighted our offerings in the food packaging, food carry and food service verticals. From flexible packaging to delivery containers, our products offer compostable alternatives to mainstream non-compostable items that end up polluting our planet.

I also emphasized how we employ an inclusive approach, working closely with local sugar mills to source renewable materials and create livelihood opportunities. Our production processes utilize clean energy to ensure low carbon footprint. Compliance with food safety standards and focus on functional design makes our products convenient and safe for consumers.

The enthusiastic response and insightful discussions at the workshop reinforced that industry, government and civil society need to work hand-in-hand to promote a circular economy. As pioneers in regenerative packaging, Pakka will continue to support initiatives that nurture sustainable lifestyles. The workshop gave us a great platform to demonstrate how our products and philosophy are helping mitigate plastic pollution.

I’m glad I could share Pakka’s purpose-driven journey at this workshop aimed at solving one of the biggest environmental challenges we face today. My presentation was well received, as it highlighted practical and scalable solutions. Such dialogues between stakeholders will go a long way in reducing the impact of plastic waste. Pakka remains committed to enabling mindful consumption through green packaging alternatives.

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