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Change is Us Team at Good Garbage podcast

Closing out the year at Good Garbage podcast, I am so glad to reflect on all the great guests we’ve had on the show. It’s been an amazing year, where we have learned so much, and hoped to spread knowledge to all of our listeners.

The last month of the year was no break – as we had some inspiring guests. Jonathan Quinn, and the team at Change is Us joined us.

Jonathan Quinn is the Global VP of Marketing and Sustainability at Accredo Packaging. He was quite literally born into packaging, and his passion and knowledge for flexible packaging made him an obvious guest for the show.

Change is Us was founded by two young college students – Shubh Mehta and Akshat Shah. Both of them started a beach clean-up at a beach in Mumbai, and it has grown into a huge clean up. Listen to the episode to hear how they do it, and how you too can be inspired by the young people!

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