Coming Together is a Beginning, Staying Together is Progress, and Working Together is Success

- Ramjee Subramanian (Innovations Head)

April, 2024 |

At the beginning of last fiscal year, Innovation team laid out its vision, strategy, and projects on regenerative packaging and services. The key focus areas were flexi pack and rigids (delivery containers and cutlery).

With vigour and passion, the team ideated on multiple ideas and worked together to deliver successfully the first version of products from concepts to commercialisation. On behalf of the team, I am glad to communicate the status report of the innovation team salient achievements during the year:

Commercialisation and Scaleup:

  • Flexi pack – version 1 – successful commercialisation for chocolate primary packaging, and standardisation
  • Delivery Container – Successful scale up studies and protype readiness on non-soggy delivery containers
  • Cutlery: Successful scale up and protype readiness on version 1 of compostable cutlery (spoon, fork, and knife) products
  • RnD Team (Ayodhya): Chemical consumption reduction at scale.

Prototypes and Development:

  • Prototype ideas on flexi pack coating concepts (version 2 & 3), oil & Grease resistant wrap paper, PFAS free delivery container, and beverage cup.
  • Other concepts that are under development include color reduction, strength improvement, and a novel delivery container based on pith from depither.

The team had a steep learning curve on advance planning, utilisation of available internal and external lab facilities, collaborative outsourced scale up, and fail fast innovation skills. Despite multiple headwinds, the team was able to focus and progress significantly on their set objectives. Team engaged with enthusiasm towards building the innovation laboratory at Acharya Institute, Bangalore.

Team members participated in multiple national and international conferences to learn on the state-of-the-art innovations as well as receiving feedback about their offerings in regenerative packaging.

On the extracurricular front, the team engaged in multiple individual and family gatherings enabling enhanced networking. Several initiatives were carried out on learning and skill development, such as, self-training, DOE training, and mind & energy management.

Retrospectively introspecting, last year has been a year of coming and staying together for a team with enormous competency and agility. Going forward, we must bridge the gaps, build further, work together with cross functional teams across Pakka fraternity to excel and delivery on our innovation impact metrics in the ensuing year.

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