March, 2023 |

A business-plan brainstorming month

At GCA, February was a Business-plan-brainstorming month. We as a team discussed various business plans, which were taken into account considering the feedback received from the compostable packaging providers.

GCA is planning to offer both offline engagements as a part of consulting projects and an online platform for compostable packaging providers. The offline engagements with the clients will help us understand the pain points of the compostable industry better. This will help us to tweak the solutions on the platform accordingly. The online platform in turn will help us generate leads that need hand-holding for their complex packaging requirements.

We will have 6 modules, which will be executed by the Innovation, Impact investment, and supply chain and business growth teams.

  1. Product Testing and Certification – Frameworks and auto-generated TC reports outlining regulatory and recommended tests and certifications required for launching products in defined regions.
  2. Innovation Hub – A global center for showcasing all innovations (material and product) in compostable packaging and the latest research, news (multi-media), and discussions on innovations in the industry.
  3. Fund Connect – Match-making module allowing CPPs to raise funds in form of either equity or grants and generate fund-raising templates for valuation and pitch decks.
  4. Market Intelligence – Dashboards provide subscribers access to advanced analytics, and the ability to make business decisions on new products and new markets.
  5. Supplier Connect – Match-making module allowing CPPs to identify the right suppliers (raw materials and machinery) based on their needs and send RFQs for procurement
  6. Market Explorer – This new concept is match-making between buyers of compostable packaging (consumer brands) and providers (CPPs) in the form of product listings of CPPs and packaging requirements of consumer brands.

We have put our best efforts as a team to come up with this business plan which we think will work & surely help us get going together as a One-Pakka family!

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