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GCA to launch GCAhub version 2 in September

A number of very exciting developments at GCA over the course of this month – starting within the organisation. We’re very excited with the work that Susan and the Greaterthan team have been doing on the building code and our interactions with Lucia have been very helpful in building a strong set of core values and culture for our organisation. We’ve been experimenting with a team-wide LP goal-setting approach, where at the start of each month, the entire team sits together to set our LP tasks with complete visibility across the group.

On the platform side, we’ve gone through a thorough revision of the user flows and look & feel of GCAhub based on user feedback and are very excited about launching version 2 in September, starting with the fundraising domain where users can connect with both equity funders and grant providers.

There’s been a lot of interest in the industry in involving GCA for consulting projects – we’ve recently been speaking to several compostable manufacturers that are at the tipping point of global expansion, and GCA is supporting these businesses with market research, innovation connections, and supply chain challenges.

The team is looking forward to the leadership retreat in Varanasi and connecting with the wider team then.

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