Hard Work is the Cornerstone of Success

- Anand Kumar, Project Store Support (YSS)

April, 2024 |

Name: Anand Kumar

Date of Birth: 9th May

Hometown: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Qualifications: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Production

I’ve recently taken on the role of Project Store Support Head at Pakka Ltd. I bring seven years of experience in Supply Chain Management to the table, driven by my inherent self-motivation.

Handling the dispatch and storage of materials isn’t just a job to me; it’s a passion. I thrive in environments where efficiency and precision are paramount, and Pakka Ltd. offers just that. The inclusive and cordial atmosphere, particularly at our Ayodhya plant, resonates with me, infusing my work with energy and purpose.

What excites me most about Pakka Ltd., is our commitment to environmental sustainability. The vision of a plastic-free earth, spearheaded by Ayodhya, resonates deeply with me. Moreover, the prospect of empowering thousands of rural and farmer households fills me with enthusiasm and a sense of purpose.

In my worldview, hard work is the cornerstone of success. I firmly believe that my dedication and diligence will pave the way for personal and organizational growth at Pakka Ltd. I am eager to embark on this journey and contribute to our collective success.

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