Let’s Embrace the New Financial Year With an Unwavering Determination to Conquer all our Objectives

- Ved Krishna

April, 2024 |

Dear friends,

Like every year, we embarked on our annual planning for the upcoming financial year at the onset of this month. Gathering at the serene Shri Jagannath Puri, our team convened for an extensive three-day discussion. We were honored to have our esteemed mentors Kaipa Ji and Sai Sambhat Ji grace us with their presence.

Following extensive deliberation, a clear path has emerged. We initiated our journey by outlining our five-year objectives, paving the way to accomplish the goals set for the upcoming year. With this roadmap in place, all teams and members can now align their individual goals accordingly, ensuring a unified direction guided by our vision.

Our goals for the next five years are ambitious and transformative, aimed at shaping a better world. Key aspects of our progress include:

  • To properly shape and transform Jagriti and Kavoc projects into reality so that we can bring a larger quantity of products to the market.
  • To provide good products to the customers by giving proper shape to innovations. Work is going on on many products used in food packaging and food service and special momentum will have to be brought in this direction. – You will have to establish yourself with new markets and customers and establish their trust.
  • By continuously working on the culture we have established, we will have to be among the foremost organizations to work across the world and be able to attract talent.
  • Moving ahead from natural thinking, we will have to continuously bring changes in our working method and technology so that we can take our burden on the earth towards zero.

We encourage everyone to set robust goals and diligently pursue them with focused efforts using LP methodology.

Similarly, this month, we will establish targets for Guatemala and America.

During my time in Puri, I had the privilege of experiencing the divine presence of Shri Jagannath Ji and felt the profound energy emanating from the sacred site.

The Chuk team successfully showcased their stall at Aahaar, the nation’s premier food exhibition, providing an invaluable opportunity for team bonding and collaboration. With over 50 companies entering the same industry, our work becomes even more exhilarating. Our focus remains on consistently delivering exceptional products and services to our customers, staying ahead of the competition. Leveraging our strengths in pulp, energy, design, and a cohesive team, we aim to intensify our efforts and accelerate our pace. The market’s increasing emphasis on sustainability presents a golden opportunity for us to excel.

Upon returning to Ayodhya, we confronted numerous tasks ahead.

For months, we’ve been striving to elucidate our path forward in leveraging IT for business expansion. It’s evident in today’s landscape that technology underpins every aspect of business operations, and in the forthcoming years, emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will open up even greater avenues for advancement in this realm.

After extensive discussions with various companies, we entrusted the organization ‘Practus’ with the task of investigating to guide our future endeavors. They have outlined three key directions for us to pursue:

  1. Enhancing the speed and accuracy of innovations through IT.
  2. Improving customer service and fostering better coordination among teams.
  3. Boosting production and productivity levels.

In the upcoming period, we will delve deeper into these areas and strive to integrate technology seamlessly into our operations.

Subsequently, I had the privilege of spending time and collaborating with my family in the enchanting group of islands known as Hawaii. The breathtaking beauty and rich culture of this destination left a lasting impression on us, providing valuable insights and learnings that we will cherish.

Progress on the Kavok project continues to advance:

  • We’re on the brink of finalizing a partnership with financial giant Nomura, which will significantly accelerate our momentum, with operations set to ramp up by next week.
  • Engineering efforts are gaining traction, with basic engineering slated for completion within the next month.
  • Our team is growing, and we’ve appointed a project leader. Additionally, the selection process for America’s sales leader will conclude this month.
  • Our board has allocated capital to expedite project development, ensuring swift progress.

Wishing everyone the best for the new financial year. Let’s persevere in our efforts to achieve our goals.



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