Listen to TIPA’s CEO and Solutum’s founder on the Good Garbage Podcast

December, 2023 |

With the news out of Israel and Palestine this last month, our hearts and thoughts are with everyone experiencing tragedy. It just so happened, through our recording schedule, that our last two guests were both from Israel. We were so thankful to have both the CEO of TIPA, Daphna Nissenbaum, and the Founder of Solutum, Sharon Barak on Good Garbage in the last month. They both had so much going on, so many other things to think about – but we were glad to offer them a place to be distracted, to think about the amazing work they have both accomplished when it comes to leaving the planet cleaner.

Daphna has been a guest that we’ve wanted on the show for a long time. The work TIPA has accomplished in packaging is incredible, and it all started with an idea that Daphna had on a jog, “if the world had no packaging, how would we start packaging today?”

We met Sharon at Rethinking Materials earlier this year – and Ved texted me while Sharon was presenting in front of the conference. She showed her material, a substance that looked like plastic, dissolving in water.

We’ve had a lot of guests from Israel on the show – as it is the land of startups. We hope for peace for everybody – and that all our energy can be towards leaving the planet a cleaner place.

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