“My passion lies in encouraging hope for regenerative solutions”

April, 2023 |

Name- Saumya Shekhar

Hometown- Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh

Qualification- M.tech (Mechanical & Production Engineering)

Family members- Parents & Husband

I joined Chuk as a Customer excellence associate in March 2023. I have 5 years of experience in client management & building relationship, and hope to create an impact with my skills.

I just loved the people & the work culture in Pakka. Born & brought up in Ayodhya, Yash Pakka always fascinates me with how the company works to save Mother Nature & being a part of such a cause now excites me.

Now being a part of the company, I feel immense pleasure. I believe there is no future with pollution, so my passion lies in educating people about our significant environmental impact while encouraging hope for sustainable & regenerative solutions.

Although it’s only one month since I joined, I can feel the positivity here. One of the best things about this company is its orientation process which provides an opportunity to learn about the process & the sangh system, which is very unique in itself.

I am so excited to be a part of the Pakka Team. I hope with my skills, I can contribute to the work being done to heal our planet.

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