Nayi Soch: Manav Vikas Sangh – Deepali Srivastava

January, 2023 |

Self-managing teams

Self- managing team is a permanent or temporary association of volunteer members, formed in any part, to supply a product, service, and software or project result to an internal or external customer. It may be sponsored by another association or sponsor. Self-managing teams take full ownership and responsibility to drive business results for a particular process. Unlike an operational team, most self-managed teams don’t have a hierarchy. Instead, self-designing teams have more autonomy over their processes and roles within the bounds of what team members agree is needed to achieve agreed-upon team outcomes. Self- managing team tries to be self-sufficient.

Features of Self- managing teams:

  •  Self- managing team is a flat (without a boss) organization. Everyone is responsible for their work.
  • Self- managing team has autonomy for members to interact with outsiders as they select their own captain/coordinator. They hire a reporter to keep the minutes of the meeting and take care of any documents. They have their charter and prepare protocols.
  • The self-managing team thinks together, plans together, and takes decisions together with everyone’s approval. No voting is done as this may lead to fractions within the team. They decide and note who, what and which date and time. Member performs assigned work and reports to the team. They review progress together and take new decisions.
  • Self-managing teams make their plans and budgets, their systems, and also design processes. They provide adequate supply, fault-free operation, and take responsibility for elimination, safety, and on-time delivery. They determine their standards and correct deviations immediately. In due course, they attend their periodic meetings and take preventive measures. They as a team evaluate their performance and give feedback about behaviour and performance and appreciate each for their work.
  • They start their day with group physical activities like exercise, prayer, meditation, and sharing good news and resolutions for the day. They help each other, learn, and achieve customer satisfaction by serving them with utmost care.
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