Nayi Soch: Manav Vikas Sangh – Deepali Srivastava

June, 2023 |

All you need to know about Sangh Pranali

Purpose: To create a unique organizational culture that promotes ownership.


  1. To create belongingness to our culture.
  2. Create a deep and positive impact while connecting with all team members.

Let’s have a look at how Sangh Pranali works:

Self-Management Teams

At Pakka, we are proud to create a unique management structure by adapting our local culture. Resulting in maximized individual ownership and enhanced organizational effectiveness.

  • Pakka team doesn’t believe in a hierarchy system i.e. no bosses and subordinates. Everyone is a member of the great Pakka family.
  • Each team member can think and feel like the head of their respective work domain of the organization. They can participate, develop, and utilize collective intelligence and wisdom.
  • As we believe that each team member is equal and completely responsible for their work, but we don’t prefer an authoritative tone or body language as it’s against our concept of equality.
  • Each team member works in a self-managing team called as Sangh.
  • Each Sangh is classified based on its function – As, the raw material department is known as Kachha Maal Vyapaar Sangh, the pulping department is Pulp Mill Vyapaar Sangh, and the finished goods department is Kaagaz Vyapaar Sangh, and so on.
  • These Sanghs serve as a knowledge-sharing platform; they discuss relevant issues with corresponding action plans with each worker involved in active decision-making.
  • Each Sangh has its coach, whom we address as our Sanghrakshak.
  • Sahayak is responsible for conducting the meetings and communicating with other teams. He/she gathers information and resources.
  • All decisions are based on consensus within the team. SMTs provide products/services to other SMT and vice versa.
  • Everyone is free to interact with any team member of the Pakka family.
  • The team members think, plan together, and take decisions by consensus. They execute as per plan. No voting is done, as it can lead to the formation of cliques within the team.
  • They decide and note down ‘who’ does, ‘what’ by ‘which date and time’.
  • The members carry out their tasks which are assigned to them through the task manager.
  • Team reviews the work progress together and makes new decisions. They also help each other to perform better and develop new talent. They do their selection and induction of new talent.
  • Each team designs its own Sangh meeting agenda and procedures. They take responsibility for KPI, defect-free operation, waste elimination, and timely delivery. Despite all these parameters, we are also accountable for health, safety, and the environment.
  • Team sets its standards and rectifies the deviations immediately. They record undesirable Incidents and go into the root cause of such incidents in their periodical meetings, take immediate corrective action, and ensure short- medium-long term preventive measures.
  • Team takes the guidance of facilitator teams and guardian teams when needed. Members offer and receive feedback about their behavior and performance with each other and appreciate and support each other to boost each team member’s morale.
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