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Nayi Soch: Pakka Impact – Olimpiya Biswas

New Age Packaging Material- Molded Fiber Products

Strong demand is developing for clean, renewable, and biodegradable packaging products
because of significant incentives and pressures to reduce the use of plastics and products related
to them in the packaging industry. Simply because the raw materials are plant-based or fiber-
based, molded fiber products have drawn more attention in this context due to their benefits in
terms of sustainability and the environment.

Reasons to choose Molded Fiber Packaging:

Molded fiber is durable and flexible, meaning it can be transformed into any shape required. This
makes it useful for several applications, protecting anything from delicate items to heavy ones.
The material is molded into three-dimensional shapes specially designed to hold products.
Molded fiber packaging (MFP) offers business clients and end-use consumers plenty of

Quick List of Advantages of Molded Fiber Packaging

Businesses can cut costs by choosing this sustainable and green option while continuing to have
beautifully designed packaging. Consumers receive their product, safely encased in attractive,
green packaging that can then easily be recycled or composted.

Molded fiber technologies/ products and their industrial exploration are rapidly evolving, both
scientific knowledge and engineering design/practices, from the environmental advantages to
cost-effectiveness, are critical in unlocking the true potential of molded fiber products for various
packaging applications.

Challenges to be handled:

The choices of raw fiber sources, the technologies on fiber preparations will have to be carefully
evaluated and optimized because they will certainly determine the environmental impact of the
final molded fiber products and their overall manufacturing processes.

Fundamental research will be required to impart desirable features to specific MFPs. For
example, in many applications, such as food packaging, with high barrier properties (water,
oxygen and oil barrier) on these molded pulp products are required. In this context, PFAS as an
OGR additive, is another critical parameter that needs to be replaced. Further resolving these
challenges but also with cost-effective solutions is the real challenge.

Process development and optimization, especially for the reducing cycles time are highly needed.
For instance, exploiting some more efficient additives to increase dewatering efficiency, and
understanding the mechanism of the novel impulse drying process so that the drying and energy
efficiency of the precision molded products can be significantly boosted.


Pakka is actively contributing to the rapid evolution of the molded fiber packaging sector by
working hard to develop novel, scientific, and environmentally sound solutions. We also strongly
support the emerging green movement, which is expected to cause a commotion in the future
packaging industry.

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