Pakka Inc

September, 2022 |

“Pakka Inc. team is closer than ever!”

This month, the Pakka Inc. team is closer than ever! And we mean that literally. Our Communications Head, Emily Fischer, relocated to Oregon, USA to be closer to Pakka Inc’s home base.

While Emily moved, the Good Garbage podcast took a week-long hiatus. Yet we returned with a truly insightful episode about protecting ancient and endangered forests and responsible use of paper packaging, featuring Nicole Rycroft and Valerie Langer from Canopy. Nicole and Valerie explained the importance of conservation and sustainability when sourcing alternatives to plastic. Here is a quote from the episode that we found especially inspiring:

“Forests are foundational for life on Earth. Forests represent 30% of the climate solution. And our personal relationship with forests starts with the very first breath that we draw – that first lungful of oxygen that we gulp desperately as a new-born baby. That’s the start of a beautiful and completely co-dependent relationship that we have with forests for the rest of our lives.” – Nicole Rycroft, Founder and Executive Director of Canopy.

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