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Nayi Soch: Amrit Arjan – Vivek Mishra

SMED and the Reduction of Changeover Times


The Lean Six Sigma professional is always looking for ways to increase efficiency and reduce waste. One of the most effective strategies for achieving this goal is SMED, or Single-Minute Exchange of Dies. This method requires an understanding of the different stages involved in a changeover process and how to eliminate unnecessary steps and maximize value. By implementing SMED techniques, organizations can significantly reduce their changeover times while improving quality and overall performance. In this article we will discuss what SMED is, its benefits, and strategies that can be used to enhance your organization’s changeover times.

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, reducing changeover times has become a key driver in increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction. For Lean Six Sigma professionals, understanding the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology is crucial to achieving changeover time reductions and, ultimately, enhancing overall operational prowess.

This in-depth analysis of the SMED methodology will provide a clear, insightful understanding of the principles, steps, and practical applications for Lean Six Sigma professionals. Hone your skills and apply this powerful tool to drive meaningful organizational improvements.

Understanding SMED: Single Minute Exchange of Dies

The Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) system was developed by Dr. Shigeo Shingo in Japan during the 1950s and ’60s to reduce equipment changeover times drastically. This was at the heart of the Toyota Production System. The core principle of SMED is to enable changeovers to be completed in single-digit minutes, ideally nine minutes or less. This approach revolutionizes the production process, allowing for increased flexibility, reduced downtime, and significant cost savings.

Dr Shingo’s critical insight was recognizing that changeovers could be broken into distinct steps, which could then be optimized to decrease the overall changeover time. By understanding and categorizing these steps, Lean Six Sigma professionals could identify opportunities to streamline the process and minimize waste.

The goal was to reduce the changeover time by reducing as many elements as possible that have little or no change on the quality or output of the process. If we can convert internal elements to external setup activities, then Dr Shingo believed we would reduce current changeover process times, deliver further inventory reductions and less equipment downtime.

What is Setup Time

Set-up time is the time it takes to switch a manufacturing process from producing one product to another. It is also known as changeover or conversion time. This includes both external elements or external components and internal elements or internal components. Both can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the operation. In a typical production environment, set-up time includes activities such as:

By reducing setup time through SMED implementation, setup time can be reduced to single digit minute times for the entire changeover. As teams identify elements (both external and internal elements) the SMED process focuses on more streamline elements, that improve current change over process, reducing multiple operators, eliminating waste through SMED Implementation.

Benefits of SMED-Reduced Changeover Times

The ultimate goal of SMED is to reduce set-up time as much as possible, thus increasing efficiency and lowering costs. By understanding and optimizing each step in a changeover process, Lean Six Sigma professionals can identify opportunities for improvement and drive tangible performance gains. The benefits of successfully applying SMED include:

The SMED Process: To accelerate machine change over times. 

To implement SMED, follow these four primary steps:

  1. Separate internal elements and external activities: Begin by analyzing the changeover process and identifying which activities can be done during machine operation (external elements) and which require the equipment to be stopped (internal elements). The ultimate goal is to maximize the work done externally to reduce the impact of internal elements and delays caused by internal setup activities. By looking for parallel operations, we can identify fewer internal elements, fewer tools, and fewer operators that alp concert internal elements to an element external to the process with fewer impacts.
  2. Convert internal activities to external activities: Identify ways to move internal activities outside of the changeover process. This helps separate external elements so that we can create an external setup standardize function. This could involve preparing tools, dies, and components or using quick-release fasteners to replace parts. This allows parallel operations to take place, reducing internal setup impact and relying more on external setup operations.
  3. Streamline all remaining activities: Examine the remaining internal activities and look for opportunities to streamline them. Streamline remaining elements so that the average setup times improve further. This may involve standardizing procedures, using visual aids to minimize errors, or deploying specialized tools to reduce manual work. By doing this, we can minimize setup errors and be more responsive to changes in customer demand.
  4. Continuous improvement: As with any Lean Six Sigma process, continuous improvement is crucial. Regularly evaluate changeover processes and identify further opportunities for optimization. This may be exploring further setup reduction techniques, using manufacturing performance data to drive change, or simply optimizing changeover elements. Encourage collaboration and feedback from operators and other stakeholders to ensure a more efficient, streamlined process. This is a critical step in implementing SMED.

Practical Applications:

SMED can be applied across various industries to achieve impressive reductions in changeover times, increased efficiency, and improved capacities. Here are some examples of where SMED has been successfully implemented:

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