Sustainability is an expression of my deepest desire

- Zurisadai Herrejon (Pakka USA)

October, 2023 |

Name: Zurisadai Herrejon-Gonzalez

Birthdate: 15th December

My passion is healthy, thriving, and beautiful unity among all creation. Sustainability is an expression of my deepest desire because it challenges us to live thoughtfully considering the planet and all of its inhabitants. The way we choose to live will affect others around us because of our undeniable connection to each other.

This is why I joined Pakka in August as an Executive Assistant. I saw that I had skills to offer to this cause. Pakka is already making an impact in the world and it is expanding to the Americas to tackle the enormous waste problem.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to grow and nurture my passion as I work within the Pakka team.

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