The Roadmap to Achieving Our Goals and Embracing Transformative Change in the Coming Month

- Ved Krishna

February, 2024 |

Dear friends,

The commencement of the New Year was celebrated with family in Oman, a country where India holds considerable influence, and where a significant portion of the population understands Hindi. Thanks to its abundant oil resources, Oman has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years, particularly under the rule of the previous Sultan Qaboos. The past four decades have seen tremendous development, transforming the landscape from tribal desert dwellings to a modern environment. The roads and structures now gleam with newness, featuring stunning mosques and other architectural marvels. The presence of many Indian expatriates underscores the international character of Oman, and I had the opportunity to meet and connect with numerous individuals during my time here.

As is my annual tradition, on the first day of the year, I reflect on the events of the past year and set forth plans for the future. I make a conscious effort to evaluate every facet of my life, questioning whether I am utilizing my time with full awareness. Spiritual growth, family, health, finances, work, hobbies, relationships, and contributions all find a place in my contemplation, as I strive to embrace life to its fullest.

This year, our focus extends across various endeavors, demanding dedicated efforts to shape and bring to fruition the projects we’ve initiated. Our commitment is to deliver top-notch packaging and quality products for food consumption, aiming to distinguish ourselves through excellence. Additionally, we are keen on ensuring that our products contribute positively to the environment by being converted into compost, aligning with our commitment to serve Mother Earth. To achieve these goals, we are actively engaged in the development of new programs and products.

Our efforts span various directions, and this year demands a concerted focus on shaping and completing ongoing projects. Our commitment involves diligent work to provide customers with superior packaging and quality food products, setting us apart in terms of excellence. Moreover, we strive to ensure that our products contribute to composting, aligning with our dedication to serving Mother Earth in a meaningful way. Toward this end, we are actively developing numerous new programs and products.

Considerable time was invested in securing investments for the Jagriti Project and Guatemala. Engaging with multiple investors, Himanshu Ji, who led our investment efforts, explored various avenues, resulting in our ability to choose the optimal structure. This month, our discussions will center around the Jagriti Project and its banking structure, aiming to finalize these aspects. Additionally, we are poised to identify a financing partner for the Guatemala project.

The process of team selection for our USA venture is underway, as we engage in conversations with potential partners to identify the right leader for the business. Simultaneously, discussions are in progress with the renowned McKinsey company for potential collaboration in America. We seek your guidance and insights on business-related information.

Currently, I am enroute to Guatemala, where I will be meeting with Gandikota Saheb, Narendra, and Shalabh Ji from India. Together, we are commencing engineering work in collaboration with the Chinese company CTE, marking a significant and necessary step forward. Concurrently, efforts to select a project leader for Guatemala are underway, with two individuals shortlisted for finalization during this trip.

Following our activities in Guatemala, my journey will extend to Colombia, where the aim is to strengthen our partnership with Carvajal, our esteemed collaborator. Your guidance and any pertinent business-related information will be highly appreciated as we navigate these crucial steps in our ventures.

Congratulations on the establishment of the Ram Mandir. Our company is gaining significant recognition through its involvement in this project. It is imperative that we all contribute to the true service of Ayodhya and Shri Ram by ensuring cleanliness. With the expected influx of people to our city, there will be increase in waste. Our collective goal is to transform our city into a zero-garbage zone, an initiative initiated under the leadership of Gautam Ghosh Ji. We aspire to convert the city’s wet waste into gas and fertilizer, providing necessary equipment for the consumption of food items. To achieve this, a dedicated team needs to be formed, and we must embark on a journey toward cleanliness in the right manner.

The upcoming month promises many new dimensions, and it is essential that we continue to progress and stay focused on our goals.

Best wishes,



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