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Nayi Soch: Kagaz Finishing Sangh – Manish Jaiswal

The True Cost of Life’s Profound Teacher – Experience

The significance of experience cannot be overstated; it serves as a profound teacher in our journey through life. Acquiring experience comes at a cost that everyone must pay. An illustrative tale unfolds when a ship’s engine malfunctioned, perplexing numerous mechanics summoned to diagnose the issue. Despite various attempts, none could fathom the problem until the captain, in desperation, sought the aid of an elderly mechanic.

Upon inspection, the veteran mechanic, armed with a small hammer from his toolbox, tapped the engine delicately, prompting it to roar back to life. Subsequently, the mechanic submitted a $3000 invoice for his services. Perplexed, the captain questioned the exorbitant cost of a single hammer. The wily mechanic responded, “$1 is for swinging the hammer, and $2999 is for knowing where to swing it.” This narrative underscores the value of experience, where accumulated wisdom enhances one’s proficiency.

Unfortunately, our country faces a significant drawback in neglecting to involve children in manual labor, depriving them of valuable life experiences. Experience cannot be bought or observed; it must be earned through personal endeavors such as swimming, cycling, baking bread, studying, and interacting with others. Historical leaders understood the importance of first-hand experience, as seen in kings personally engaging in battles to retain and pass on valuable insights. The cost of experience may seem high, but its value is immeasurable.

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