Site icon Pakka Maitri

We are on a journey to prepare ourselves to support the communities around us.

Dear Team,

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

2022 has ended, and this is a beautiful opportunity for a quick recap.

The last few months have been fascinating as our focus has been on building the capability of the teachers in Pakka Skills. We are on the journey of preparing ourselves better to support more and more youth around us for the global compostable packaging industry. A good teacher is the most significant influencer and can transform students’ lives. Investing in teachers’ capacity building is the key to excellent learning outcomes for our students, which would eventually help them succeed.

With this goal in mind, we partnered with Common Purpose, Asia Pacific Region & Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers Association, Bangalore, for two weeks of teachers’ training and leadership-building workshops. The team went for a five-day residential program, India Leadership Academy, 2022, in Gurugram in December 2022. The exercise has been very beneficial, and I already see a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to take the initiative and drive them. We will keep our spirits high and evolve as we move forward.

Being in the field of education, I am constantly surprised by the innovative and creative teachers of Krishna Niketan; our pre-primary schools are shaping young minds to become lifelong learners. 180+ children from our Krishna Niketan centres are ready to move to formal schooling. 15+ students from our Charity School Kushi – Kushi have been mainstreamed to formal schools. We look forward to building more Krishna Niketan schools and selecting our next partner in this journey. Children start learning from their birth, and they understand what they experience. Thus, Early Childhood Care and Education now is a National Priority in National Education Policy 2020. We aim to strengthen early childhood education through our unique Hub & Spoke model.

In December 2022, we conducted an ” Agaaz ” event to gather like-minded schools to share highlights of National Education Policy 2020 and how our Krishna Niketan schools can support other schools in revamping their structures as per policy guidelines. We received primarily positive responses from the attendees, and we intend to include more and more educational organisations in our mission in the coming years.

In another exciting news, Pakka Foundation came together with Malligavad Foundation and YPL to rejuvenate six ponds and did a plantation drive, planting over 300 plants. Anand Malligavad is passionate about restoring natural resources, and the values of Pakka resonate with his ideology, making this an effortless partnership.

This year has been very eventful, and I have had an exciting start with Pakka Foundation. Now, as we step into a new year, it’s time to move ahead and create a more significant impact in the lives of those around us.

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