“We have come a long way, but still have much longer to go.”

-      Jagdeep Hira 

December, 2022 |

Dear Team,

It’s always been a pleasure to address you all, and I am very excited to inform you that with all your efforts and support, we have crossed the magic figure of ₹100 crore (₹101.26 crore) in terms of revenue in the 2nd quarter of FY23. With this, we’re also inching towards the ₹100 crore mark from Ayodhya site only, with the last quarter revenue being ₹99 crore. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the team members for this feat and thank them for their rigorous efforts throughout.

I believe that over the last couple of years, this number looked like the next milestone that we were gearing up for. However, back in 2007 immediately after the commissioning of PM3, when we had dreamt of achieving the ₹150 crore figure in the coming decades, it seemed like a daunting task. Kudos to all the team members who have been a part of the Pakka family over the last several decades. Because of your hard work and determination, we all have come a long way but still have much longer to go.

One of the key reasons why we were able to achieve this milestone has been the team bond and the trust that team members have in each other. As for me, I’ve always believed in the mindset of going for 100%, even if we’re starting from zero. We should never be critical of any decision that comes as a result of efforts meant to eliminate inner insecurities.

While we always rejoice and find happiness in the wins, we should continuously move ahead and think of the next target in sight. I would like to lay emphasis on several leadership skills and analytics reveals:

  • A happy team working in a positive work culture that has clear directions and set targets is 13% more productive than a team where the work culture is not positive.
  • The morale of the team should always be high. It is important to note that ways to boost morale are different for different individuals and this it is the responsibility of the leaders to ensure that all team members feel connected with others and valued in the team.
  • Trust is one of the most important attributes. Leaders should trust their team and vice versa. The most productive teams are those in which leaders always walk the talk.

Like I said, we need our sight on the next target. YPL has its own BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) as its Strategic Goal for 2025. While it seems challenging, I believe we can do it if we put all our energy and focus together as a team.

We are an organization that that functions differently, which has helped us achieve our goals so far. Several of our processes are very effective, but they need timely refinement and reinforcement. I would like to mention some of the processes that have been very effective for the company’s growth so far.

  • Lakshya Patra (LP) system – to ensure everything is measurable. This strengthens our belief that whatever can be measured can be controlled.
  • DMT – Serious and mental engagement of all individuals.
  • CLTI / 6S – In manufacturing, it is believed that plant/machine/equipment always speak out themselves asking for help before getting into failure mode. We must always listen!
  • FIP – It is a necessity for continuous improvement & growth.
  • Yash Samridhi Path (YSP) – Involvement of each team member for continuous learning and growth without fear of losing anything.

I am confident that together as a team, we will be able to bring about a huge change. Once again, I would like to congratulate each one of you, and wish you all the best for the upcoming projects and goals.

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