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We have started taking concrete steps for offshore expansion.

Dear friends,

This month, a new milestone was established for our future and we started taking concrete steps for offshore expansion.

We have all taken a pledge that we will work with utmost dedication towards the cleanliness of mother earth. To change in the right orientation, a lot of expansion has to be done so that the color of the packaging can be changed. The problem is serious, the control of non-decomposing substances is extended over many products. The change will come only when we establish the right quantity and better products for the market.

In this series, in the next two years, we have to further expand the plant at Ayodhya on which we are working. Project Jagriti is being given shape. The basic engineering work is going on and the investment work is also moving forward. The biggest challenge for Jagriti is to establish the right team and in this direction we are engaged.

At the same time, we have to set up a plant earmarked at least 400 TPD bagasse in South America. That’s my main objective for this year. Its planning was already going on, but the realization comes from activity on the ground level. This month, I travelled to Belize, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru and had a conversation with different promotion agencies in Brazil and Ecuador. My experience is that as soon as we get into a task with full confidence, the work will begin to provide opportunities. This month, it was felt in full swing that the path on which we are moving is our karma yoga in this birth because the kayanat created the verge of new experiences and this dream started to appear to be changing in reality. Within a few days, it will became clear that in which country we have to take the next step. The bagasse, the land, the water, the currency, the person, etc., all seem to be like themselves. We just have to stick to our path.

In the month of August, I amm spending some more time and hope that the location will be decided and work on your project will also be started.

Apart from this, due to the plastic ban, the demand for its products is increasing. It is very important that we increase Chuck’s capacity soon. The team is engaged in this work. There is talk going on for different partnerships and hopefully we will at least double the production in the next 6 months.

We have all been given the responsibility to contribute as much as possible to the cleanliness of the earth. We have to think beyond ‘normal’ and encourage ourselves to do world-class work in our own field forward.

I am confident that together with you, we will be able to bring about a very big change.

With good wishes,

Yours sincerely


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