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Yash Pakka is growing in multiple aspects and this is very fulfilling

Dear team,

I decided to come to India, as I had some time in the month of June, so that I can meet all of you, before it gets too long.

I spent time with various Sanghs and friends and was happy to see progress on all fronts.

The first stop was with YCL. Good leadership is reflecting in the energy of the team. The biggest challenge is to work on the outsourcing model and making it a success. It is absolutely necessary. The progress in this business may be unlimited, but we have to create capable partners. We have stumbled many times in this direction which has resulted in loss of time as well as capital. We have to learn from those experiences and have to have a concrete process ahead. There is no shortage of demand in this sector and we just have to make improvements so that we can create a lot of good products and be able to bring about as much change as possible.

I got time with YPL in Ayodhya. Progress is necessary here as well. We have been stable for a long time, now we have to take another big leap. We all have to take forward the Jagriti project together, setting up PM4 at a great pace. For this task, the project team has to be strengthened and the speed of decision-making has to be increased. I had the opportunity to review the performances with the team and I was happy to see that we are living up to the goals that were set. Molded products are still a matter of great concern and here we have to find ways to improve. It was felt that the team is progressing but the challenges are many too. I hope we will be make way as we surge ahead.

This time I had the opportunity to spend time with the team and students of Pakka Skills. The progress in this field is also commendable and I would like to compliment Ramesh Koti ji for the good work he is doing and the progress that the organization is making despite being disconnected from us from time to time. The students here are continue to get good education and are being trained well. Our aim here is to create talent for the time to come and develop the surrounding area. We have set up courses for pulp/paper/molded products and the plan is to increase the number of courses here. We will invest maximum capital of CSR in this regard so that a world-class ITI emerges in our area.

Our team, along with Shri Anand Malligawad, has started reviving 6 ponds in Sirsinda village and the progress is commendable. We all thrive from this Earth and it is necessary to contribute to this with full sincerity.

Ms. Sarita Upadhyay has taken the responsibility of CSR and I hope that her experience will benefit ourselves and we will be able to contribute to the surrounding village.

After Ayodhya, I got the opportunity to visit Bangalore. Our innovation team and GCA team is stationed here. The innovation team has set up a new company called Pakka Impact and Sagar is gathering good scientists from all over the country so that we can launch new products in the market and be able to contribute more towards cleanliness on earth. Here, we have taken many important decisions on the location, capital and work material and in the coming days, this team will make a lot of changes. During the 1990s, we had made good investments in the field of R&D, but after that, there was no progress in labs etc. Now we will invest capital in this direction and I am confident that our contribution will be multiplied by this investment.

I got time with the GCA team and the team’s energy and progress were clearly visible. In this company, we are engaged in helping other industries in our area through technology and internet. GCA has many projects coming up and its products are becoming more robust. We have to invest this year to make the product better and I am confident that the amazing team set up by Vignesh will be able to make a big difference.

This month, I met new colleagues during induction and was amazed to see the faith in us by God’s grace. People from all over the world are connecting with them and for the first time, on the same screen, partners from the US, Europe, Dubai and at least 10 states of India have been connected. We have to put energy into living up to the faith of all of you and leave no stone unturned on our part. My effort will be to spend as much time as possible with all of you and learn from you.

In the coming month I am going to continue the search for the next plant to be set up and will spend a lot of time in South America. I hope to meet you next time with new learning and news.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for joining and supporting you all in this episode. We will all work together for Mother Earth and leave no stone unturned in bringing about a change.

With good wishes,



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